開館公告 Opening Announcement

紐約六四紀念館已於2023年6月25日(周日)起對公眾開放。目前已接待了數百位參觀者。為了更好地為公眾服務,紀念館決定自7月19日起,增加每週三下午12時至4時免費對公眾開放。原有的每周日下午12時至4時的免費開放時間繼續保留。紀念館的地址是:894 6th Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001。

The June 4th Memorial Exhibit in New York has opened to the public since Sunday, June 25, 2023. We have already received hundreds of visitors. In order to better serve the public, we have decided to add free admission on Wednesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. starting July 19th. The original opening hours on Sundays from noon to 4PM will remain in place. The Exhibit is located in the office complex of its hosting organization, the June 4th Memorial Association (64MA). Its address is: 894 6th Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001.


The entrance of the building at 894 6th Avenue is normally locked on weekends. 64MA will post a sign at the entrance with a number to call. Those who wish to visit the Exhibit should call the posted number upon arrival, and a volunteer staff member will come down and open the entrance. 


EVERY ADULT VISITOR IS REQUIRED TO AGREE TO A SET OF RULES BY SIGNING A COPY. The rules include keeping the Exhibit space clean and quiet, no video recording, no taking photos that capture other visitors or the staff, no large bags, and no bathroom use. They also include following the directions of the staff and LEAVING THE PREMISES UNCONDITIONALLY AND IMMEDIATELY IF SO DIRECTED.

六四紀念館旨在保存對1989年中國人爭民主英雄事跡以及六四屠殺的記憶。紀念館網站 64ma.org上有大量相關信息。

64MA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the memory of the Chinese people’s heroic struggle for democracy in 1989 and the June 4, 1989 Massacre in Beijing. For further information, please visit 64ma.org.

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  1. 您好,
    我和我女儿准备7/2 下午去参观六四纪念馆。那天开门吗?

    1. 您好,目前不開門。紀念館在營業初期,只有週日下午12時至4時開放。我們正在商量未來增加開放時間的事宜。為您帶來的不便,還請諒解,謝謝!

    1. Hello, we are not open on 06/29. The Museum will only open on Sunday afternoons from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm during the initial period of operation. We are discussing additional opening hours in the future weekdays. We apologize for any inconvenience caused, thank you!

  2. 您好,我将于9月29日从香港出发前往美国,预计10月1日会在纽约,渴望有机会到贵馆参观。为此,是否需要提前预约?预约方式如何?《参观规则》是在现场签署,还是需要提前承诺?由于我的英文不太流利,担心无法顺利进入。因此,期待您拨冗解惑。谢谢!

    1. 您好,不需要提前預約,《參觀規則》需要在現場簽署,會有中文使用者引導您參觀的。歡迎光臨!

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